Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Impossible

The Impossible

Today’s blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

A few months back, my soon-to-be-married daughter asked if I would build her a coffee table and two end tables, something I have never done before.  As I reviewed the plans she downloaded from the Internet, fear rose up in me.

In my daughter’s eyes, her daddy could do anything, but as I looked at what she was asking me to do, I had serious doubts about my ability to do it.

I had thoughts of starting the project only to get part way through and fail miserably.  I thought about how I would have to explain to my daughter that her father wasn’t all that and watch as I got knocked down a few pegs on her hero-meter.

But, in spite of my fears of failure, I decided to try.  So, I took one step at a time and little by little the first table began to take shape.  After getting part way through, my fears subsided and I began to think “I can do this.”

I eventually finished the coffee table and both end tables.  My daughter was thrilled with the results and today is even more convinced her daddy can do anything.

When I think back, I’m so grateful my daughter asked me, because if she hadn’t, I would have missed out on accomplishing something I didn’t think was possible.

If you walk with the Lord long enough, He will eventually ask you to do something that is way out of your comfort zone, something you have never attempted before.  It will most likely cause fear to rise up in your heart and thoughts like “I can’t do that” to go dancing through your mind.

But, do not be afraid.  Be determined to take that first step.  Before you know it, the task will be complete and a whole new realm of possibilities will be opened to you.

Then you will look back in wonder at the journey and give thanks to the One who asked you to take that first step.

And, a culture of confidence will be developed in you and the next time God asks you to do something, your heart will shout “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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