Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Kingdom Revealed

“Jesus said,

"My kingdom is not of this world...my kingdom is from another place."

John 18:36


Those things that you can experience with your five natural senses will one day disappear.

There is a spiritual realm all around us, invisible to the natural eye, which is eternal.

But it is not enough to see into that realm and perceive what is taking place there if we want to see Gods’ Kingdom and His will come to pass on the earth.

We must pray, live and work to bring heaven to earth.

In part, that is what Jesus spoke of when He said we were to be in the world but not of the world and what He meant when He said:

 My kingdom is not of this world.

He revealed His Father and He revealed the Kingdom.

Every healing revealed a Kingdom where there is no sickness or disease.

Multiplied loaves and fishes?

That revealed a kingdom where there is no lack of provision.

The ultimate revelation came on the cross and through the resurrection by showing us a kingdom of love triumphing over evil and giving to each of us that same power.

Are you revealing that Kingdom today?

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