Friday, September 9, 2011

Your Time, Talent and Treasures

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
I Peter 4:10

I am writing this blog in obedience to the Spirit of the Lord. I could be doing a million other things but there is an opportunity daily to sacrifice some of those other things and be obedient to the Holy Spirit of God or surrender to those million other things and not sacrifice anything. That is not to say that I am a hero because the truth is every one of us has the same choice between surrendering to self or sacrificing for the Lord and His kingdom many, many times in the course of our day. Sometimes we sacrifice and sometimes, sadly, we don’t. Authentic Worship requires sacrifice. That was the message the Pastor preached last Sunday but he did not have opportunity to cover all of the points.  He has passed along these three ways to worship sacrificially. 

1. Daily sacrifice your time for God’s plans.
2. Daily sacrifice your treasure for God’s causes.
3. Daily sacrifice your talents for God’s people.

Three words were repeated – ‘daily’, ‘sacrifice’ and ‘yours’.

Daily: because sacrifice should characterize the life of a believer. It is not a one time only effort but an on-going way of life.  
Sacrifice: because that is exactly what it is. If it were easy it would hold no value to you and the sacrifice would be no big deal.
Yours: because it is meant to be personal. It is much easier to steal someone else’s time, to give away their treasures and to reap the benefit of their talents but much harder when they are our own.

Oh, did I miss one word that was also repeated in those three statements? You’re right.  The word ‘God’s’ was also repeated in each one because ultimately our time, talents and treasures come from Him and what better way to worship Him than to offer them back in sacrificial service to His plans, His causes and His people.

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