Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do You Speak Christian-eze?

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalm (KJV)

Do you know and speak the right words?
For our purposes today the definition of “right” would be to speak the words people want to hear. Of course, while that may be right according to what some people want to hear, it is not always truth. We can often fool a great number of people by what we say but we will never fool God.
When our words and our heart speak differently, then the noise God hears is anything but joyful.
Worship that draws us near to God and God near to us is worship from our heart and lips that speak and do the same thing.

Sometimes we speak what you might call Christian-eze.
It is a language that sounds appropriate but rings false
because the lips speak one thing and the heart another.
Instead of a unity of body, soul and spirit in worship to God there is division and dissonance – an inharmonious sound or discord that comes from us.
How then do we worship in a way that is indeed music to God’s ears (so to speak)?
 We live a life where what we say and what we do are in agreement –
we speak and live a life that honors God.
That kind of Life is only possible through the enabling power of
the Holy Spirit but also it is a life that is pleasing to God.     

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