Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Couple of Recipes

“…We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
II Chronicles 20:12b

You’ve probably heard someone say: “That is a recipe for disaster”.
Usually, they are expressing that sentiment when the circumstances or events surrounding an individual can only seem to work out in a calamity or as the quote declares: a disaster. Today’s verse can, in fact, be considered just the opposite.
Instead of a recipe for disaster it is a recipe for success.
If you take the time to read the entire chapter of 2 Chronicles 20 (and I would encourage you to) you will find that verse 12 from above is the last sentence of a prayer to God by King Jehoshaphat as he and all of the tribe of Judah faced a vast coalition army of their enemies. This army greatly outnumbered the army of Judah.
So what could the King do?
More importantly, what did he do?
Among other things he declared their inability and their lack of wisdom to know what to do (“We do not know what to do…”) but, and this is the crucial part, he said to God – “…our eyes are on you.” You see it is not just enough when you face overwhelming odds to simply lament and recognize your inability to find a solution.  
Like King Jehoshaphat we too must turn our eyes to God.
He has the answers.
He is the answer.
Too often we stop at the lament – we whine.
The lesson is to move beyond recognizing your situation and recognize God as your one and only solution.  As you read the chapter you find that God did deliver Judah in a spectacular way.
Yes, they prayed – have you?
Yes they fasted, have you?
Yes they declared their need – have you?
Most importantly, though, they recognized God as their deliverer – have you?   
When you don’t know what to do – turn your eyes on Him.

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