Friday, March 1, 2019

Strong Enough?

“I will drive them out before you little by little

until you have increased and are strong enough to take possession of the land.”

Exodus 23:30


We have been looking at the biblical principle of little by little.

As we said previously, looking at Exodus 23:30 we find the pivotal word: “until”.

God would drive out the inhabitants of the Promised Land before the Israelites.

He would do this, He said, little by little.

But there then comes a pivotal point in the process.

God said there were three things that would need to happen.

We looked at the first yesterday, i.e. you have increased...

The second and third things God said were when they

“...are strong enough to take possession...”

How strong are you spiritually?

Does the slightest little offense from someone in the church push you away from God?

If so, how can you ever hope to be strong enough to take possession of God’s purposes for your life?

If small things trip you up what will happen with greater temptations and larger roadblocks?

God wants to develop in us a spiritual stamina and perseverance that withstands the little and the big things that come our way.

Maybe it’s time to assess what it takes to rock your world.

Then recommit to letting God’s little by little work its’ transformation in your life!

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