Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

“Above all else, guard your heart,

    for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

Suppose I decided I would watch the movie “Gone with the Wind” every single day of my life.

How long do you think it would be before I carried lines from the story into my daily conversations with others?

That habit of watching the movie over and over and over again would begin to reprogram my mind in such a way that its’ influence would creep into every part of my life.

How I talk, how I dress, my attitude toward myself and others, even how I spend my resources and spare time.

Maybe you’ve experienced something similar with a Star Trek or Star Wars fan.

The same holds true for my spiritual life.

I must feed my spirit and my soul.

What I feed on determines how I grow.

If I want to grow in my walk with God then I must feed my soul and my spirit on those things that bring that growth.

Nope, not Star Wars, Star Trek or Gone with the Wind!

None of those will do it.

Gods’ word and obedience to His will, along with cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives is the recipe for growth.

We each get 24 hours in a day.

What we do with them determines the direction of our growth.

 Many things may be o.k. but may not build us up.

It takes more than just ‘avoiding’ evil.

It requires no less than hundreds of deliberate choices every day that feed that hunger for God more than a hunger for the things of this world.

So set aside the distractions, whatever they are for you personally,

and pursue God!

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