Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Million and One Times

“Simon replied, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing [in our nets],

but at Your word I will [do as you say and] lower the nets [again].”

Luke 5:5


It’s hidden in that word again.

We don’t want to repeat our actions again when they have previously proved unsuccessful.

But when the dynamic duo of obedience (...but at your word...) is paired with faithfulness (again) great things can happen!

Even (maybe I should say – especially) when you think you know better.

It would have been easier, on Peter’s part, to deny the Lord His request.

Isn’t the same with us?

This city has been prayed for a million times, yet at your word we will pray a million and one times.

Lord, everything that can be done here for outreach has been done but because you say to do this thing we will obey.

When we faithfully obey despite our fatigue, despite our previous disappointments, despite all the efforts that have gone before, despite the naysayers, then God steps into our ‘again’ and brings the answer we had been seeking.

Will you move at God’s command the millionth and 1 time?

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