Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Promises, Promises

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
I John 1:7
This verse starts with a condition: “…if we walk in the light, as He is in the light…”
Are you discerning as you read the Word?
It is easy to read past the parts requiring something of us to get right to the promise.
But meditating, memorizing or believing the promise does little if we don’t also obey.
Sure, it’s our flesh that wants something for nothing – the winning lottery ticket, the free lunch, the head of the line.
But often Gods’ promises are ours only after obediently walking in the conditions He has established.
The promise of eternal life is ours after we accept the free gift of His Son.
You argue that it is a free gift.
Who wouldn’t receive it?
Yes it is, but we all know those who push that free gift away only to declare their belief that they will ‘get into heaven’ because they have lived a ‘decent’ life.
We are choosing our way over Gods’.
We are all for the promise, but we ignore the gift of His Son that God offers in order to see that promise fulfilled.
We miss the gift held for us through our obedience.
We miss the gift of Gods’ sanctifying work, His maturing and refining work in each of us that comes, not at the receipt of the promise, but in the obedient journey to it.
The question then is not “Are you ready for the promise?”
It is: “Are you ready for the journey to the promise?”

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