Tuesday, February 12, 2013

‘Pharaohs’ in our Culture

“Then the Lord said to Moses,
“Get up early in the morning and confront Pharaoh as he goes to the water and say to him,
‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”
Exodus 8:20
“Tell my people this: ‘There is no pharaoh that can stand against their God!’”
Those are the words God spoke to the Pastor in preparing the message he delivered on Sunday.
 We defined modern day ‘pharaohs’ yesterday not simply as ancient Egyptian rulers written about in history books but any obstacle that stands in the way of the will of God being accomplished in your life.
But there are ‘pharaohs of culture’ as well – those powers in our culture that would resist God and His people trying to bring them into bondage.
We see opposition to the church rising in our culture.
We see it attempting to bring the church into captivity to its’ will rather than Gods.
Opposition to God and His work is nothing new.
Though his future is already determined, the prince of the power of the air continues to defiantly oppose all that is godly in the earth and that includes attempting to destroy the church and its’ message.
Will he be successful?
Of course not!
We are told that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Egypt’s pharaoh of Moses’ day was certainly an obstacle and stronghold.
But having said that, he was still no match for God.
God has not changed.
His power has not diminished.
He has always been and will always be “in His prime” so to speak.
So what are some of those modern day pharaohs?
Religion, abortion, homosexuality, human trafficking, anything that rises up to oppose God and to bring people into bondage.
Are you offended that I would lump ‘religion’ in with the others?
Of course I am not speaking of the ‘religion’ spoken of in James 1:27 but rather of that which is of routine and tradition but void of relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Are you the Moses God wants to raise up to confront the modern ‘Pharaoh’ in our culture?
Are you the David God will anoint to take out the modern ‘Goliath’ in our culture?
Are you the Weeping Prophet Jeremiah, sent by God with a message for this day and hour?
Are you the Daniel, or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who will not bow down to a culture but will, in your non-surrender tenacity, bring glory to God?
Will you declare:
“There is no pharaoh that can stand against my God!”

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