Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gods’ ‘Unique’ Plan For Me

I have not lost sight of my plan for you, the Lord says, and it is your welfare I have in mind, not your undoing; for you, too, I have a destiny and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (Knox Bible)
What motivates you?
Are you led through life by a paycheck?
Maybe you live for the week-end and the downtime that it promises.
Some are motivated by power.
They seek it through politics; they strive for it at the office, even demand it in the home.
Let me ask you a more specific question.
What motivates you, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, to capitalize on your time on the earth?
Is it God’s love?
Is it His redemption?
How about the fear of hell or the reward of heaven?
Is that enough?
Some may be reciting their favorite bible scripture as their answer.
Let me suggest to you that understanding God’s bigger picture on the earth (and your part in it) is the greatest motivation to live fully for God and capitalize on your time on this earth.
You can read of accounts from individuals who have given lavishly of their time, talents and treasures to causes greater than themselves.
They will speak of how it added immense purpose and value to their lives.
Now imagine that instead of simply trying the:
‘eenie-meenie-miney-moe pick a worthy cause and go’ method,
as admirable as that may be, you sought the Lord and walked in His unique purpose that He had  in mind when He created you.
Of course there is a purpose for all of us as His children but there is also a plan
for each of us, unique to me and unique to you.
Jesus fulfilled His work at the age of 33 years and then declared: “It is finished.”
His desire was always to do the will of the Father.
His motivation was to fulfill His part in ‘Gods bigger picture’.
It was a motivation that carried Him to the cross and beyond.
You may be surprised at what you will endure when you are truly motivated by doing the will of your heavenly Father and fulfilling His plans for you as part of His bigger plans!
God lead me and I’ll go!

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