Monday, February 22, 2021


“For God does speak—now one way, now another—

though no one perceives it.”

Job 33:14


Sometimes it is so helpful to read an emphatic statement.

Job made one and we can read it above.

God clearly spoke then and He clearly speaks now.

Listen to these words from Jesus:

“Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

John 8:47

We sometimes may not understand or may even misunderstand how or what God is speaking but that does not mean He does not speak.

Some would even say God spoke to the church at its beginning but that He has no need to speak to us now that we have the Bible.

How silly to believe that the Creator of the universe desires a relationship with us but that would not include conversation between us.

Imagine a friend saying “I want to be your best friend but I only want to talk to you through letters; none of this conversation nonsense!”

We would be right to question their sincerity.  

Listen for that still small voice today.

God delights in speaking to you and with you.

He who has ears to hear, hear it!



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