Monday, October 26, 2020

Broaden Your Prayer Horizon


“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—

I Timothy 2:1


What’s that you say?

You don’t know who to pray for or you don’t have a very long prayer list!

Well, when I read 1 Timothy 2:1 it encourages me to petition, pray, intercede and give thanks for A-L-L people.

A-L-L people means more than me, myself and I doesn’t it?

So who might A-L-L include?

Could it mean I need to include praying for my enemies?

I’d say they fall into the A-L-L category.

How about co-workers (yes, even that one you can’t stand); your mean cousin; the other political party (ouch)!

It can also include those we love but who have been guilty of hurting us.

Maybe we have been pre-occupied, not with praying for them but instead nursing a grudge over their offense.

Too often we rush right into 1Timothy 2:2 and teach others that they need to be praying for “...kings and all those in authority...”

Yes we do.

But let’s not skip past the “...A-L-L people” portion too quickly.

Let me challenge you today.

Broaden your prayer horizon.

Let the Holy Spirit guide you into praying beyond the ‘me and us three’ mindset.



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