Monday, April 12, 2021

A Broken Church


“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”

Psalm 51:17

The church is, in many ways, broken.

With the pandemic many, many churches remain closed.

Those that are open have seen a decline in attendance.

But is a broken church a bad thing?

The church is the Bride of Christ.

Christ too was broken.

And His brokenness brought multiplied blessings to His church.

His brokenness was prophesied about and came in the due season of God.

Could it be that our brokenness as His bride will also bring good things?

I think so.

We see signs of it everywhere.

His church, His Bride, His body has ventured outside the walls of our buildings.

We have rediscovered what it means to be in bold defense of preaching the Gospel.

Persecution, isolation and harassment has never weakened the true church, only strengthened her.

Take a look at her history from the Book of Acts forward and we find that statement so very true.

So, in many ways I believe a broken church is a stronger presence in the world.

And it is a greater witness for the Lord.

The church is broken – and it is a very good thing indeed!





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