Monday, April 6, 2020

Ready or Not, Here I Come

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without

revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”

Amos 3:7

In my childhood games of hide and seek (I had seven siblings so we had built in playmates all the time!) the person who was the ‘seeker’ would close and cover their eyes and loudly count backwards from 10 down to 1.

When they finished counting they would shout out to all of us ‘hiders’ –

Ready or not, here I come!

Maybe you had the same technique when you played.

But I have to admit, there were times when I hid far enough away that I did not hear the shout.

I could only hope that my hiding spot was so good that I would not be found.

I had positioned myself in such a way that I was not able to hear the warning the seeker had declared.

As believers I know we often do not position ourselves to hear the warnings and words of instruction that God sends through His prophets.

We are positioned too far away to hear.

For example, how many of us were caught by surprise by this worldwide pandemic?

God certainly wasn’t.

And, as a matter of fact, He spoke of it through His prophets.

Many of them!

Some had visions, dreams or words from the Lord years ago, months ago or weeks ago.

They shouted those words to us but we had positioned ourselves so we did not hear.

Too often our position has been in front of the T.V. or diverted by some other distraction.

A big one is that we were just too busy to listen.

We have not positioned ourselves in His presence, in prayer or listening to His prophets.

God is faithful to speak to His children.

Some will position themselves to hear.

Others will respond in unbelief declaring that God no longer has prophets or that He Himself is distant and no longer speaks.

Both are untrue.

I urge you to not turn away.

Position yourself to hear Gods call to you -

Ready or not, here I come!

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