Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Weak and the Strong

“Let us therefore make every effort to do

what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”

Romans 14:19

Do your words lead to peace and mutual edification or do they lead to agitation and distress?

The entire chapter of Romans 14 deals with the subject of brother judging brother over less than significant issues.

The counsel from Paul contained in today’s verse flies in the face of the attitude that demands its’ rights.

We are a culture bent on individualism and have, in many ways, made that our god.

If it offends me – you must stop!

It is not voluntary on my part based on the words of Paul but it is demanded by the offended party or those who align themselves with them.

This is fraught with issues that do not lead to peace but only to divisiveness.

One of the most divisive actions in today’s culture is a move to ‘inclusiveness’ because it demands that the church accept ungodly attitudes and behaviors.

This is not what Paul is speaking of in Romans 14.

Culture is reaching the point where it demands acceptance but Paul speaks of a willing surrender in areas of disagreement for the sake of a brother or sister.

He never suggests we surrender our belief in God’s word or to behave in unholy ways for the sake of a brother or sister.

When society ‘demands’ we need to look closely at what it is they are requiring.

We need not ‘...make every effort...’ to live outside the will of God.

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