Friday, September 18, 2015

A vote of “no confidence”

Today's blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

For we [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, set apart for His purpose and] are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory and take pride and exult in Christ Jesus and place no confidence [in what we have or who we are] in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3 – AMP)

In political and business environments, if a people being led no longer have confidence in their leader’s ability, they can submit a vote of “no confidence.”  Such a vote often takes place during turbulent times and is frequently followed by the leader stepping down from his or her post, after which, a new leader is elected.

In the above verse, the apostle Paul instructs us to put no confidence in our flesh, or in other words, our abilities or material possessions.  When we do, we become discouraged and disappointed, because our resources alone are never sufficient.  Our flesh doesn’t have the ability to effectively lead us and cannot be trusted, especially during difficult times.  As a matter of fact, the desires and aspirations of our flesh are often contrary to God’s purpose and plan for our lives.

Instead, we need to put our trust and confidence in our Lord and His ability.

Have you ever gone through a difficult time and wondered why God was silent?  Could it be He is waiting for you to become exhausted in your efforts to “fix” the situation?  Could it be He is waiting for you to say “I give up” and relinquish control to Him?

It’s time to stop trusting in our abilities and resources.  They will never be sufficient, no matter how significant we think they are.

It’s time to submit a vote of “no confidence” in our flesh and its ability to lead us.  Instead, let’s put our confidence and trust in the only One who is all sufficient and worthy to lead us - King Jesus!

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