Monday, February 9, 2015

“…remain in my love.”

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. ”
John 15:9
♫“Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…in the most delightful way”♪
Do you remember that line from a Disney song?
want things in life sugar coated when it is really the last thing we need.
All too often we
Sometimes, even when the truth is painful, it needs to be spoken without the syrup.
Jesus’ words could be very hard to receive.
From a people accustomed to a law that told them “an eye for an eye” was acceptable justice the words spoken by the Lord must have seemed like language from another planet.
He told them to pray for their enemies.
He even told them to love them enemies.
Talk about a bitter pill to swallow!
And yet…He spoke (as many often acknowledged) with such authority.
He spoke of a love that was supernatural.
That is why it seemed so different – because it was.
He was speaking to a people not accustomed to living supernaturally,
certainly not loving in that way!
It was not an expression of love the ‘flesh’ is comfortable with, let alone capable of.
It is a love evident as we remain in Christ – as we our obedient to His commands.
Now some might take issue with that statement, afraid that we are speaking of works rather than grace but it is not salvation we are speaking of.
It is expressing His supernatural love as it has been, through Christ, expressed to us.
It is recognizing and remaining connected to the source of that love.
It is not an ‘earthly’ love but a love from the Father made evident by the Son.
 A love that demonstrates obedience is not a love for the faint of heart.
Neither is it a love we can ever hope to express apart from Him!
“…remain in my love.”

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