Wednesday, October 8, 2014


He will glorify me because it is from me that he
will receive what he will make known to you.”
John 16:14

The “he” that Jesus is speaking of is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit brings to us the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Just as He did for the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos, He does for us today.
It is a revelation that glorifies Jesus.
It is a revelation that opens the spiritual eyes of believers to better understand who Jesus is.
I am not talking about revealing the length or color of his hair, his skin tone or height and weight.
The Holy Spirit reveals the heart and the will of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit reveals the divine nature and authority of the Son of God.
It is as if the Holy Spirit was in the role of the Prophet – revealing what has been spoken to Him by Jesus.
And as He, the Holy Spirit, whispers in our ear we are to make known what He reveals to us that Christ might be glorified.
But what does that require on our part?
That we spend the time to listen.
That we desire to hear His words.
That, in hearing them, we are willing to share them as He directs.
Are you in a place right now where you need to hear from Him?
I hope your answer was yes because we all always should be in that place.
Then set aside the t.v. shows tonight.
Cancel the night out.
Turn away from all the distractions and…

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