Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What's Your Mindset?

It is such a blessing to have others contribute to this blog from time to time. As I shared yesterday, there are some changes to my work schedule that I am adjusting to so today and tomorrow's blogs have been contributed by Denise Friedman. I know you will be blessed, strengthened and encouraged in your daily walk as you read and apply the truths from the Word she will share with you!
Pastor Stephen

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. – Col 1:21

Does this scripture really mean we were enemies with God? 
 That seems a bit harsh, doesn’t it?
  Let’s take a closer look at the verse above, there is a lot in these few words. 
Notice the very first word – once. 
Merriam-Webster defines once as “at some point in the past.” 
That makes us feel a little better, right? 
At some point in the past we were alienated from God and were enemies with Him in our minds because of our evil behavior. 
 I am sure we didn’t consider ourselves enemies of God before we were saved, but that is exactly what this verse tells us.   
When we consider the word once, that would mean before we renewed our mindset. 
 At the moment we are saved, our minds should be renewed to think more like Christ. 
 When this happens, our behavior should change so what used to be acceptable for us, no longer is acceptable. 
 Any evil behavior will not be appealing to us the way that it once might have been. 
Once our behavior is not evil, we are no longer alienated from God! 
 This may not happen overnight. 
 Our behavior is shaped by a lifetime of experiences in the “old man” so be patient as you are working to renew your mindset, ask God to help you. 
 Be mindful of your mindset  if you expect to see a change in your behavior and draw closer to God.

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