Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Walking in the Truth or Just Talking the Truth?

“It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth,
just as the Father commanded us.”
2 John 1:4
We want to remain in Christ.
In so doing we realize a confidence in prayer we have not known before.  
We spoke of doing this through making Him Lord and making His Word the foundation of our lives.
One area I need to continually develop to deepen that relationship is this:
I need to always be evaluating how I use my treasures, how I spend my time and how I volunteer my talents.
How I use these three things: time, talent and treasures paint a truer picture of my priorities than all the words and declarations I can make.
 We all know people – maybe even the one who greets you in the mirror every morning – who say one thing but do another.
Let me ask you a question - When that becomes a pattern in a person’s life, are you more inclined to believe their words or their actions?
As a way of self –examination ask yourself these three questions –
Is your schedule surrendered to God?
Are your talents given to the Kingdom of God?
Are all the resources you are stewarding placed in Gods’ hands for His use?
I know its cliché but it is so true – actions do speak louder than words.
People hear you and they watch you.
They base their opinion of you – not so much on the words spoken as on the deeds performed.
I can express great love and devotion to God at the Sunday morning worship service and then fail to worship Him with my time, talents and treasures the rest of the week.
 God hears your words and my words too.
No matter how pious and religious sounding they may be He also sees my actions.
May our actions indicate our time, talent and treasures are surrendered to Him!
It is an area we all need to grow in.
That is why we, with the Holy Spirit, should always be evaluating it.
Heavenly Father:
With each passing day may we surrender more and more of our time talents and treasures to you. We ask your Holy Spirit to show us ways to do this and we thank you for the work that will be accomplished as we surrender to you.
In Jesus Name we pray

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