Monday, July 30, 2012

The Invisible God Made Visible

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:35

How do you make an invisible God visible?
What can you do to reveal who He is to others and, most importantly, how much He loves them?
The way that you and I make the invisible God visible to the world is by how we love one another.
Our love for one another does not reveal us as His disciples only to some.
Jesus said it will be known by everyone.
Is that happening?
Do others look at the church and, as they look, is the invisible God made visible?
“Not always”, you say?
Sadly, I would agree.
So what is the problem?
Is God wrong in what He said or are we failing to love one another with the genuine love of God?
 Yes, we both know the answer to that question!
Too often our love is manipulative, self-serving and only extended when it is convenient.
His love is perfect, genuine and seeks the blessing and welfare of others.
So how does His love in me grow?
Only through relationship! 
I must choose time with God over all the other things that compete for that time.
Sure, we need to go to work, we need time with our family, we even need ‘alone’ time.
But God should not be left out of any of those parts of our life.
Who knows; when you make time for God in each of these places; the invisible God might be made more visible to those at work, at home and in you!

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