Monday, June 18, 2012

Go and Do Likewise

In our Sunday services this week we honored a family that have been faithfully serving at His Place for several years but are now moving out of state. Since it was also Fathers’ Day one of the ways to recognize their faithfulness was presented in the form of an acrostic of the word ‘father’. This acrostic served to honor them and challenge any who desire to serve the Lord by sharing some characteristics helpful in our own lives...

“…the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord,…” Ephesians 6:21
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone,…”II Timothy
The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction.” Proverbs 16:23
“…My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:21
“…a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.” Proverbs 17:27
Returnable (remembers and returns to those who have are their brothers and sisters)
“… for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions…” I Corinthians 11:2

“Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Luke 10:37b

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