Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Faith Worth Guarding

“But Peter declared,

"Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you."

And all the other disciples said the same.”

Matthew 26:35

Those are some pretty emphatic words spoken by Peter along with the 11 other apostles shouting “AMEN!”

Peter had grown so much in the time he had walked with Jesus.

His mustard seed faith was nurtured and increasing.

But Jesus warned him there would be stumbling blocks ahead.

That warning is what prompted Peter bold but wrong declaration.

It was an experience a few hours later that brought Peter’s denial.

His faith was being tested by his momentary experience.

Our experiences have a way of doing that.

Especially when we allow those experiences to override our faith.

Peter was zealous for the things of God but even his zeal failed him at the critical moment of testing he faced.

He had made wonderful progress but failed to guard that progress when others’ questioned his association with Jesus.

Are you guarding your progress in your walk with the Lord?

Day-by-day and moment-by-moment we each face opportunities to grow or to not grow.

Sometimes these opportunities are as obvious as they were for Peter.

But more often than not the experiences that can undermine our faith are far more subtle.

Time eating away our day so that we have no alone time with the Lord.

Pressures at work that turn our focus on the problem and away from the Lord.

101 distractions competing for our attention!

Guard your heart, guard the work of God in your life, guard your faith that it fail not in moments of testing.

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